Why old farm animal breeds?
Tradition with added value
Success is a question of perspective. Our old animal species have special properties and advantages that we cherish a great deal. These include the excellent products that you can purchase online in our Genussladen. The slow growth results in excellent quality. Performance and yield might be lower, but the taste most certainly speaks for itself.
These stellar properties include the following:
- Old farm animal species are usually broodier. Furthermore, they have good maternal instincts; they are “born” mothers.
- The animals are more resilient, robust, frugal and at the same very durable. They adapt to every terrain and are less prone to illnesses.
- While slow growth leads to less output from old animal species, the quality is considerably greater and much more delicious. And you can taste that with every bite!
- Breeding such relatively old species also includes a certain amount of tradition that is closely connected with the preservation of rare to endangered species as an important sign of biodiversity. That’s why we only keep endangered animal species at our Biohof Jochwand!